Potassium does not like cold

Ugh! Looking at this picture makes me miss the fall colors already (pic on the left was taken at the end of October and pic on the left was taken this Wednesday)!

So we got a pretty good snow storm earlier this week. It would have been fine if it hadn’t been followed by ridiculously low temperatures… I woke up yesterday and it was -11 F outside. I’m originally from California… we do not do below 0 F there. Luckily for me, I have a ton of data analysis to do so I stayed home working on my computer while burrowing in blankets and snuggling with stuffed sharks all day. At one point, Cobalt even brought me the fanciest hot chocolate ever! Maybe I should stay home and work again today!

I did actually end up braving the cold last night to go to a girls night where we attempted to decorate Christmas ornaments. My attempts are below – there’s a shark on the clear one (as well as a shark in the 3 of 2013) and a skull for Cobalt on the red one!

I’m super happy that these guys didn’t get messed up upon exposure to the 3 degree F weather on the drive home…

What temperature is “cold” to you? Can you handle -11 F? HOW?!?!? Anyway, what do you have planned for the weekend? I have some pretty exciting things planned! I can’t wait to tell you about them next week! :D

3 thoughts on “Potassium does not like cold

  1. Anything below 25F is cold to me now. i remeber the really cold days of upstate NY when I was in grad school. It was often in the -20F range. Hence upon graduation, I moved to Northern Cali and have been happy ever sense..

  2. Anything below 32 degrees is a problem for me, until I feel how cold it is right now and then compared to that it’s like damn summer time. :) My weekend is sounding pretty empty right now. I spent a lot of time writing last month and trying not to make plans so now I’m not in planning mode I guess! Maybe Christmas shopping for all my nephews which means I get to go play with toys and look at tiny versions of adult outfits…

  3. As soon as a coat becomes a necessity and not a fashion choice, it’s too cold. I loathe winter…so why I moved to Michigan is a little baffling.

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